Back pain is one of the most common reason that people in America go to the doctor or miss work. Anyone can suffer from back pain but there are certain risk factors which predisposes the person to get back pain.
Repeated back muscle strain from repeated heavy lifting, bending or twisting movements.
Not being fit or being overweight also predisposes one to suffer from back pain even with regular routine activities.
Old age, pregnancy and poor posture.
Having certain diseases like Ankylosing spondylitis, scoliosis, endometriosis, certain infections and cancers can contribute to the back pain.
Smoking causes accelerated degeneration of the discs which are positioned in between the bones (vertebrae) of the spine and act as shock absorbers.
What are the causes of back pain?
Back injuries from back strain, after a fall or accident leading to fractures.
Arthritis of the spine from ageing or from inflammation in the body like in case of ankylosing spondylitis.
At times narrowing of the space in the canal through which spinal cord runs could lead to a condition called Spinal stenosis.
Calcification of ligaments of spine often happens in older patients who have Diabetes leading to diagnosis of DISH.
Herniated discs or degeneration of disc is also a common cause of back pain
Certain conditions like severe Scoliosis where curvature of the spine is abnormal could lead to the back pain.
How is back pain treated?
It depends on the cause of the back pain. Back pain is usually treated with hot of cold packs, analgesic creams, oral anti-inflammatory medications, stronger pain medications, muscle relaxants and injections. Some people experience relief in pain with use of alternative modalities like acupuncture, acupressure and TENS unit. Most of the back pains improve with time and treatment. Surgery is rarely indicated.
When to see a doctor
You see a doctor if your back pain is very severe.
You are experiencing numbness, tingling, weakness in your extremities, or difficulty urinating.
Back pain is associated with fever, unintentional weight loss.
After a fall, trauma or accident.
At Urgent Care we usually take care of most of the back pains. If someone needs additional care we refer them to the appropriate specialist.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Flu comes on as abrupt onset of symptoms of fever, chills, tiredness, aches, sore throat, runny & stuffy nose, chest discomfort and cough. Children with flu can also have vomiting and diarrhea.
You can get flu by droplets from cough or sneeze and by direct contact from a person with flu. Flu virus can live outside a person on surfaces for 2 to 8 hours.
Incubation period of flu is 1 to 4 day. This means that you can feel sick with flu even one day after coming in contact with the virus.
Infectious period of flu is from one day prior to the symptoms to 5-7 days after the symptoms. Children can have longer infectious period.
Flu Vaccine is the first line of defense against the flu. Flu vaccine will take about 2 weeks to work. You can still get flu after getting a vaccine; however the symptoms will be milder.
Anti-viral medications can decrease the intensity of flu symptoms. The medication needs to be taken within 48 hours of symptoms to be effective.
Anti-viral medications can also help in prevention of flu for the family members who are in close contact with the patient.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Sore throat or pharyngitis is a common medical condition which affects people of all ages. It occurs more commonly in children, smokers, patients with allergy and immunocompromised patients.
Viral infection is the most common cause of sore throat. Common cold virus (rhino) or flu virus (influenza) can lead to sore throat. Other virus infections such as mononucleosis, measles, and chicken pox can occasionally cause sore throat.
Bacterial infection can cause more serious form of sore throat. Bacterial infections include streptococcus infection, diphtheria and whooping cough.
Other causes of sore throat include irritation due to allergies or gastro esophageal reflux disease.
Signs and Symptoms:
Painful throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, swollen glands in the neck, enlarged tonsils with patches.
Other symptoms: Hoarseness, cough, runny nose, sneezing, body-aches, headaches, nausea and vomiting.
Home treatment of sore throat includes rest, gargles with warm salt water, lozenges, hydration with warm liquids, and medications such as Motrin or Tylenol.
Patients with symptoms of difficulty swallowing or difficulty breathing should see a doctor right away.
Patients with symptoms which do not improve with home treatment should also see a doctor. Based on the clinical evaluation and tests such as rapid strep test or swab culture some patients will require treatment with antibiotics. It is important to complete the course of antibiotics if diagnosis of strep throat is made to prevent complications such as rheumatic fever.
Wash hands or use hand sanitizer.
Do not share utensils.
Avoid smoking.
Reduce exposure to dust and allergens such as molds and pollen.
Use humidifier.
This information is supplied by White Plains Walk In Medical Care
10 Chester Ave, White Plains, NY 10601
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Common cold is caused by virus which leads to stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat which generally improves in one to two weeks.
Flu is caused by influenza virus and is a more serious illness. It is characterized by fever, headache, muscle ache and severe exhaustion along with other symptoms of common cold. It can also lead to complications including pneumonia.
Best way to prevent colds and flu is frequent hand washing. This is also the right time to get a flu shot.
Flu shot decreases your chances of getting flu and if you do get flu it decreases the severity of the illness.
Here are a few natural remedies for cold and flu.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
A Heat Advisory is issued by the National Weather Service of the United States within 12 hours of the heat index reaching one of two criteria levels. A warning will be issued if there is a heat index of at least 105°F but less than 115°F for less than 3 hours per day or if nighttime low temperatures are above 80°F for 2 consecutive days. High values of the heat index are caused by high temperatures and high humidity and can pose a threat to human life through conditions such as heat stroke.
One in 5 deaths in United States is traced back to smoking
Lung Cancer
COPD, Bronchitis
Most other Cancers including: Head & Neck, Stomach, Pancreas, Kidney, Bladder, Blood and Bone Marrow
Heart Disease: Heart Attack, Angina, Coronary artery disease
Stroke and TIAs, Dementia, Paralysis
Peripheral Arterial Disease: Leg pain, Gangrene, Amputations, Aneurysms
Other conditions linked to Smoking:
Skin aging, Wrinkles
Infertility, Preterm delivery, Still birth
Impotence, Erectile dysfunction
Smoking affects all senses:
Periodontitis, tooth decay, loss of taste
Cataracts, Blindness
Deafness, Hearing Loss
Loss of smell
Neuropathy, Loss of touch
In conclusion: Smoking will Suck the joy out of your life before it kills you.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Definition and Statistics
One in three American adults has hypertension. Blood pressure of > 140/90.
One in three American adults has normal blood pressure. Blood pressure of <120/80.
One in three American adults has prehypertension. Blood pressure that is in between 120/80 and 140/80.
Prehypertension increases your risk of getting hypertension.
63 million American adults have hypertension. The risk of getting hypertension increases as you get older. One in two adults over the age of 50 has high blood pressure. One in five people with hypertension don’t know that they have the disease.
Silent Killer
Hypertension is the leading cause of Heart disease and Stroke. Heart disease and Stroke are first and fourth leading causes of death in United States. When you have high blood pressure you are four times more likely to die of stroke and three times more likely to die of heart disease.
Diagnosis of hypertension is made by getting your blood pressure checked. Small percentage of people have white coat hypertension that refers to a situation in which blood pressure readings taken in a doctor’s office or hospital are significantly higher than those taken at home.
Treatment of pre-hypertension and hypertension involves life-saving changes.
Key life-saving changes include:
Decrease total salt intake to 2300mg per day.
Balanced diet that is low in saturated and trans-fats and added sugars.
Exercise 30 minutes a day; five days a week.
Patients with prehypertension and hypertension benefit from the life-saving changes. Those with hypertension will also need prescription medications. Although the treatment can be difficult for some patients, majority of patients can be adequately treated for hypertension which can save them from getting heart attacks and strokes.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Alcohol poisoning is a serious and sometimes deadly condition as a result of drinking a lot of alcohol in a very short period of time.
Signs of Alcohol poisoning are:
Confusion, stupor
Uncontrolled vomiting
Breathing irregularly or slowly
Hypothermia (low temperature)
Pale bluish skin
Loss of consciousness
Main cause of alcohol poisoning is binge drinking and especially excessive repetitive drinking by a person not accustomed to drinking. Binge drinking is defined as drinking 5 alcoholic drinks in a short time. Teenagers and young adults (men>women) are most susceptible to alcohol poisoning due to the binge drinking behavior.
Alcohol poisoning is a lethal condition if not treated immediately.
If you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning and the person is unconscious call 911 immediately.
Never leave a person suspected of alcohol poisoning alone. Do not try to make the patient vomit. Alcohol affects gag reflux and the individual can choke on his own vomit. If the person is conscious you can call poison control at 800 222 1222 and get instructions regarding treatment.
Patient with alcohol poisoning needs to be treated in the hospital with intravenous hydration, medications and close observation.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
36000 people die in United States each year due to DRUG OVERDOSE.
Out of this 20000 patients died due to prescription drug overdose.
15000 patients die each year due to prescription pain killers such as morphine, methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone, and fentanyl.
Other medications such as Xanax, Benadryl, and antidepressants are also common causes of drug overdose deaths.
Avoid taking multiple drugs and also combining prescription drugs with Alcohol, and any other illicit drugs such as cocaine.
Do not share prescription drugs with family and friends.
Keep prescription drugs secure and discard old prescriptions.
People who get prescription pain killers from multiple doctors or are on high doses of prescription pain killers are at highest risk of over dose.
There are also strategies aimed at Doctors and Pharmacies to prevent the accidental overdose of prescription overdose deaths which has become a major epidemic.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Pneumonia is an infection of lungs. Infection can occur due to bacteria, virus or fungus. Pneumonia affects millions of American each year.
Risk factors for pneumonia include:
Chronic lung disease (COPD); Smoking; Flu; serious medical conditions such as diabetes and immune deficiency
Symptoms of Pneumonia include:
Coughing with greenish, tan or bloody mucus
Fevers with shaking chills
Shortness of Breath
Confusion in older patients
Diagnosis of pneumonia is based on history and physical examination by the doctor. Blood tests, cultures and chest X-ray are also helpful in the diagnosis.
Bacterial pneumonia is most common type of pneumonia and is treated with antibiotics and breathing treatments. Your doctor will determine if you need to be admitted to the hospital.
Wash hands regularly
Stop smoking
Vaccines decrease the chances of getting pneumonia by common virus and bacteria which cause the infection.
Flu vaccine helps prevent pneumonia caused be influenza virus
Pneumococcal vaccine helps prevent pneumonia caused by Strep Pneumonia bacteria.
If you need more information, please call 914-448-1000 or Email
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
EPA standards for tap water are much stricter than FDA standards for bottled water. The result is that tap water is cleaner and cheaper.
Two independent studies confirmed the above statement.
The first study at Case Western Reserve University tested 39 samples of bottled water in Cleveland, OH and found that 15 of the samples contained about twice as much bacteria as tap water.
Another study by the Natural Resources Defense Council found that about 18% of bottled water brands contained more bacteria than what is allowed by EPA for tap water.
Also about 25% of bottled water sold in the US is tap water. Aquafina (Pepsi product) and Dasani (Coke product) get some of water supply from tap.
Most bottle water is of high quality; however some are out of line with the strict guidelines for the tap water.
On rare occasions tap water gets contaminated and utilities are required by law to inform the people when this happens.
People that have well water need to get the water tested and then determine if it is safe to drink.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Good health is the most important thing in life. To maintain good health consider getting monitored for common health conditions. Most of this is done when you get a Physical. Always tell your doctor about your family history of medical problems since this will change the screening protocol.
Blood pressure: You should have blood pressure checked every two years if it is normal (under 120/80) according of American Heart Association. You need to check it yearly or more if you have high blood pressure, heart disease or family history.
Blood sugar (diabetes): American Diabetes Association recommends screening for diabetes every three years if you have no risk factors. If you have high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, or have family history of diabetes; you should get tested every year.
Cholesterol: Get your cholesterol tested every five years. You will need to get cholesterol checked every one to two years if you are male over age 45; female over age 50; or have risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, or family history.
Breast cancer: The American Cancer Society recommends having an annual mammogram starting at age of 40. Doctor’s examination and self-examination are also important.
Cervical cancer: You should have Pap test done every 3 years if you are age 21 to 65 and have had three consecutive normal tests. You need yearly test or more if you have been diagnosed with precancerous lesion or have history of cervical cancer.
Colorectal cancer: A yearly fecal occult blood test is recommended for every one between ages of 50-75. Sigmoidoscopy should be done every 5 years and colonoscopy should be done every 10 years in this age group. Virtual colonoscopy can be done every 5 years. More frequent tests are needed if abnormal polyps are noted or if you have high risk factors such as family history of colon cancer.
Osteoporosis: Bone density tests are done every two years for women age 65 or older, any woman who is at high risk of fracture due to history of smoking, or family history.
Prostate cancer: A routine prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is no longer recommended for men. Prostate examination is done for man over the age of 40. Before doing a screening PSA test, men should know benefits and consequences of having the test.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Note: All information on our website is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.